Improving care for patients with unmet needs.

Who We Are

We believe patients want care beyond just “access”.

This is why we have developed a patient-centric care model that also captures real-world clinical evidence. We call it evidence-generating care.

Emerald is a team of medical doctors, clinical researchers and data scientists who work collectively with patients to provide pathways to new, evidence-based medical treatments and technologies.

Everyone’s Business

Emerald is committed to continuous innovation and learning – which means working collaboratively with technology partners and businesses who share our values and can leverage our expertise.

Health is everyone’s business – so our goal is to translate real world experiences into evidence-based healthcare that makes the world healthier.

Emerald Clinics has physical locations in WA, Victoria, and NSW and we care for patients via telehealth around Australia. 

Our Mission

Personalised Care

To dive deeper into each patient’s case, especially patients who have run out of options. To deliver a greater depth of clinical care. To think more deeply and innovatively about helping people thrive and live happier, healthier lives.

Our Care Model

Emerald Care

Emerald Clinics is a team of medical doctors, clinical researchers and data scientists who deliver evidence-based healthcare through its clinics and collaborating partners. We utilise a unique data platform to capture and aggregate anonymous clinical data from consenting individuals, which facilitates continuous learning.

We call it Emerald Care – which is designed to improve your health and global health.

Play Video

Listen to Dr Amy Abernethy, Principal Deputy Commission of the FDA, explain the importance of Real World Evidence.

What is Real World Evidence?

Emerald’s care model and data platform have been developed to optimise the generation and translation of real world evidence to inform the most appropriate treatments and course of care for each individual.

Real world evidence (RWE), is clinical evidence generated from medical and patient data collected during routine clinical care. Over time, this evidence can help determine the effectiveness of interventions as they apply to patients. This adds significant value to traditional and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) which often exclude certain patient populations from participating.

Real world evidence and real world data are playing an increasing role in health care decisions, globally:

  • Major regulators, like the FDA and EMA are developing guidance for the use of RWE pharmacovigilance for safety and adverse events, and to help make better informed regulatory decisions.
  • Health care providers are using RWE to determine cost-effectiveness and more importantly to develop guidelines and decision support tools for use in clinical practice.
  • Medical product developers are using RWD and RWE to support clinical trial designs (e.g., large simple trials, pragmatic clinical trials) and observational studies to generate innovative, new treatment approaches.

Emerald Data

Robust and ethically-sourced real-world patient data providing unique treatment insights.

We generate patient data and Real World Evidence (RWE) while providing care. Our data is a source of unique insights and intellectual property and also helps us improve care.

Our Care Team

Qualified specialists, general practitioners and nurses.

Our care team includes specialist physicians, experienced General Practitioners and clinical trials experts to deliver best practice care for patients with unmet needs.

I am a UWA graduate and a Fellow of the Australian Royal College of General Practice for over 25 years. I have always been passionate about chronic pain, mental health and multi-symptom management. It has been incredibly rewarding and a privilege to witness life changing improvements and a return of our patients quality of life. I am proud to be involved in our goal to help people in need and pave the way forward through our compassion, experience and research via our model of care that can be replicated for the exploration of other future novel therapies.
I am an academic general practitioner with 30 years of clinical experience and in medical education. I am thrilled by the opportunity to develop new clinical models of care and develop quality research protocols to ensure regulator-grade data in community-based care. I have a passion for music that means I have played in more bands than Crosby, Stills or Nash. A reflection of unreliability rather than skill.
I graduated from the University of Western Australia and trained locally, with overseas experience. I am a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. I believe in helping people achieve their optimal health and helping them understand and access a range of healthcare options and solutions. I am inspired by the life-changing results with cannabis based medicine and its delivery within the model of care at Emerald Clinics.
I am a GP from Canada with many years of experience practicing emergency, palliative, addictions and chronic disease medicine. I have a passion for helping patients with difficult to treat problems, like chronic pain and insomnia, return balance to both their mental and physical health. I am an authorised prescriber, an advocate for the national drug safety organisation “Harm Reduction Australia”, and a provider of registered educational talks on the use of unregistered medication for physicians. I love seeing patients at Emerald Clinics because of the increased time and care that this model allows.
I have been working in general practice for the past 10 years, and have an interest in women's health, chronic pain management and mental health. Emerald Clinics is exciting because it offers another option for patients who have exhausted conventional therapies for treatment of their medical conditions. I look forward to embarking on this journey together with my patients. In my down time, I enjoy playing badminton, travelling, reading as much as possible, and watching Netflix with my cat.
I'm a UWA graduate and have worked as a GP for 20 years around metropolitan Perth and 14 years as part of the Rural Women's GP program through the RFDS, servicing country WA. I am passionate about caring for the whole person and helping people to reach the best versions of themselves through physical, mental, and emotional healthcare. I feel privileged to be a part of the creative and inspiring Emerald Clinics team enhancing people's lives in ways beyond conventional therapy. I also feel a strong sense of service in playing a role in the collection of important research data for the benefit of future patients.
I graduated from the University of Western Australia in 1990 and am a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practice. I have an interest in Women’s health, mental health and pain management. I enjoy working at Emerald Clinic under the model of care which allows time to provide people with other options of treatment where other avenues have been exhausted and it is exciting to see the improvement that we bring people in their quality of life and wellbeing
I graduated from Deakin University in Victoria in 2015 and am a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practice. I am currently studying a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. I have an interest in Mental Health and Chronic Pain. I’m passionate about providing my patients with new options to manage their condition and improve their sense of well being.
I am a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General. My practice has shown me the profound impact on quality of life when health conditions fail to respond to traditional forms of medicine. With a focus on personalised care and patient education and using a non-judgmental approach, I am committed to helping patients find relief from a range of conditions using novel therapies.